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Three strokes in three weeks saved my life, because it woke me up, however bodybuilding was the reason I fully recovered from paralysis. There’s nothing more sobering than not being able to feel where your body is in space. This was my reality after having my third stroke in within three weeks that paralyzed me.
Nine and a half years ago, doctors said, and I quote “ you shouldn’t be here because most don’t survive” and in the very next breathe said, and yet there’s nothing wrong with you, but there I was.. They even called me a miracle, and asked how I did it. When something like this happens to you it changes your life forever, but it also teaches you what the human spirit is capable of.
Considering I was an athlete most of my life, in addition in the exercise business for forty years advising people how to get healthy and in shape, and having this happen to me, was unthinkable. This was my wake up call. No doubt I was at a crossroads. What was I going to do? I could either let my situation destroy, or define me.
Recovering from my strokes, bar none was the biggest obstacle I’ve ever faced. If it wasn’t for my athletic background, especially my experience and knowledge I attained from the competitive sport of bodybuilding, I would have never recovered. The unwavering discipline and mindset it took to rise to the world level, was the same formula and strategy I implemented to fight paralysis.
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Seminars for advanced athletes, recovery from stroke and trauma, and health, fitness, and longevity.
Comebacks are amazing, especially when it’s your own, but it doesn’t just happen. Reinventing who you once were doesn’t always turn out to be the same, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, often times it’s a blessing in disguise. Change will always be a constant. Those who are truly evolved and poised to excel at the highest level have figured out you constantly have to be willing to change, adapt, or die.
When a traumatic event occurs, the first step is to prepare for a 100% recovery, which is difficult because you must have a positive outlook and mindset, even though you’re in a negative situation. There are never any guarantees of the final outcome, but you have to face that reality and move forward continually positioning yourself in the best spot to succeed. The recovery process tests your belief system, at the deepest level, and takes time. Tolerating the day to day baby steps towards recovery is one of the main reasons individuals give up.
Most who have three strokes in three weeks don’t survive, let alone fully recover. I beat the odds, but it didn’t just happen. The strategy I developed for full 100% recovery resulted in a blueprint for success to overcome any obstacle.
It’s a winning formula. Let me help you today!